Monday, October 6, 2008

Primary Entry 3

The article Cybory Manifesto by Donna Haraway is a good piece. I like how it talks about the us being part cyborg in a way. Humans as a whole are all inegrated in to a circuit of life. We all know how to use the internet to fine out information.The biggest thing right now is the fact that we can tell the difference between male and female. The part of being human is being able to know how the other gender works in different situations. We all know that males trend to be more domain about things. But, on other hand we all know that women can be just as strong as men. This is the idea of feminism comes in to play. Being a strong, self-filling, able woman comes in to the big picture. The article says towards the end that we are going to have to become part of this giant cyborg matrix. The fact is that if to gender; age and some many other things are going too lost to the fact that we are part of a one huge system of data. I honestly do not want to be a part of this one size fits all standard. I know the day in age will come were we are all going to have conform to a new normal everyday life.Even though some people may want this type of change I know that I have to be ready for this change to come. I may not like it but it is some that is going to happen may ten years from now.
Feminism is the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. The view, articulated in the 19th century, that women are inherently equal to men and deserve equal rights and opportunities. More recently, feminism is a social and a doctrine that advocates equal rights for women; feminist movement: the movement aimed at equal rights for women; political movement that took holds in the United States in the late 1960s and soon spread globally. I understand the fact that women have more power not then than back in the old in days but still I wish I could understand this consist need for more. I guess in my mind I just wish everything could be just equal. I know they say it is but I know it is not. So I guess in the end maybe being a cyborg is not a complete horrible idea. The thing I worry about is being a unique person with thoughts and feeling to only me.
So the question I ask you is were do you want to stand when the age of being a cyborg comes about?


Ayu said...

ok, my answer is...I don't want to live with cyborgs for sure. It might be very easy to deal with them, like using them as a helper or whatever because they might be very useful and convinient for humans life. However, after I saw i-robot(a movie by will smith)...I feel kind of scared if we live with, just in case..
if they get messed up with some, they might attack you guys like the movie. well, I think i saw the movie too much? lol.

Cali said...

Well I guess it depends:) If the cyborg will cook all my meals, keep my house clean at all times, do my laundry, clean up dog crap in the yard, clean out the cat's litter box, help with my homework and read Cyborg Manifesto to me...I will be the first one in line to get me one! I am all about things that will make my life easier...I recently bought this thing called a Scooba, that vacuums and mops the floor for me, I also bought this automatic cat litter box that actually washes the litter with water and disinfectant! I love gadgets that will make my life easier :)

grccandy said...

i like what you said about "he part of being human is being able to know how the other gender works in different situations. We all know that males trend to be more domain about things." if one day we can combine our body with the machine, there will be no different between men and women and it will affect our social, culture and structure and ethic.