Monday, September 22, 2008

Primary Entry 2

The next article I read was the second Nakamura article on Cyberspace. We learn that you can pretend to be anyone because no one can really know you else they are one of your real friends. In these online profile you can become the popular person that you may not be in real life. Sometime we all want to be something we are not, so that others may like us. But the truth is we are who we are. Trying to to change for everyone is impossible and also it is not good for yourself esteem. The most important thing to remember about the being online with a profile is to be who you are on the inside and it will show through to the outside. I that people look at a person and judge them for how they look and act. we are all just trying to find our place in this earth. I feel that for me my place is somewhere i can listen to my music , see friends, and live a drama free life. As we all know that does not exist, but we try to achieve that with being online. This online life we can represent ourselves any way we want to.
Most people try to represent with there race they actual are in real life. On the other hand some people hide there race, gender,age and others. They do this fit in the mold on being a insider not to be an outsider. That is a fine line to walk between knowing who you are and being the cool person. I believe that online life is its own worst and best emeny. It could come back to haunt you with everything you have every said to someone. It could be good for you in the fact that you can use it to find out that someone has been talking bad things about you. All that means is you should watch what you say about yourself and other people.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Primary Entry

The article I read was by Nakamura is all about cybernetic tourism, the internet, and transnationality. She makes a lot of point on how the world is always moving forward and changing into our future. One point that really stood out to me is the fact it does not matter your age, gender or race, the internet is only just a bunch of different mind coming together to brainstorm ideas on how to improve or even enrich our lives and the lives of the future generation to come here on earth. We all interact we each other on some level of communcation. In day to day living most of the time it is just a bunch of small talk we make with people to get through the day to live. We have known the person for years and have become one of their good friends. Throughout this article she makes reference to how the cyber world is a utopia and sense of great human interaction. We al know that one of the earliest things we learn as a baby is how to interact with each other. Some of the skills we have travel with us all throughout life. They kind of in a way guide us to the way we think things in life should be or even are going to be. Nakamura shows that we can find any amount of information in this other world. But, also knowing this other world that exists could bring us to a whole new understands of our peers around the world. Take into account those peers do not have to be the same age, gender or race.

It points out that the amount access people have depends on a lot of different variables we all have to face to get on to the internet and the cyber word. I know that having access to this great world has opened my eyes to the place I may one day travel to as a tourist. But, then when I watched the commercials on YouTube about the Olympic. It showed me that I may live miles and miles away from there, but I still feel like they are the same as the rest of us. They are people that are just trying to live and survive in this ever changing and forward moving place. I believe that the commercials and the article have truths to them. Also, that they are a lot a like in the fact they give the world a face. This honestly gives me the sense the cyber is not so scary and just might be cool.